Crochet is a craft I would never have thought I would get into, especially after seeing my sister do it. I don’t know how my sister got into it, but she taught herself, and it look complicated.
For Christmas (I think in 2017), I got given a Rudolf crochet kit from Aldi. It wasn’t until October 2018, that I decided to have a go but of course, I needed to learn first. I used youtube tutorials to help me to do this. To help me learn the terminology and skills. I mostly used the videos by ‘Bella Coco’ as they were easy to follow videos.
From this moment on, I went on to create many more crochet projects, using patterns from different companies, including: TOFT, Stitch & Story, Wool and the Gang, Just Pootling and Womans Weekly. Check them out below by clicking on the links.