
Alice is one of those best kinds of friends. She leads a staunchly independent life working hard, and when she’s not not knee-deep designing logos she’s chasing the party around the world with an overloaded suitcase that doesn’t quite close. While she is distracted by taste-testing her way across the finest delis in London, or planning her annual mane trim, you’ll never hear a word out of her. But with this zebra, you need never worry of the phone doesn’t ring; the moment your lives collide again it will be just like the last time you met.

This is a TOFT pattern from the book ‘Edwards menagerie’. My sister crocheted me Alice the Zebra for Christmas many years ago, but this little fellow was for someone at work. She said she wanted one, so I surprised her (I didn’t mention that I was making one), and so Alice the Zebra was chosen. It was a difficult choice, I must say.