So, a previous post spoke about how there was an artist inside all of us. This week, our class has completed their final project for Paul Klee’s Red Balloon. I was so impressed with the outcomes of the children’s work!
We all have our own sketch books, as well as the children, so we can model skills and techniques whilst teaching them. So we will complete the exact same activities as them. Demonstrate first, then complete alongside.
Not only have the children shown the artist inside them, but the artist inside me has also surfaced. I love art, and I always have from being a child. I always asked for paints and water colours for Christmas and birthdays, and I would sit and draw/paint in the summer. Pictures of the house, the garden, flowers. But all soon stopped when school work increased and exams started. I think I get it from my dad, as he is very very artistic, and is very good at it!
Below is my end result from the final project of our art lessons this half term.