Every teacher before they draw on the board “I’m not an artists”.

Throughout my training to be a teacher, as well my teaching experience, ive learnt that there is an artist within us all. There is no right or wrong answer in art, unlike other subjects such as Maths. Art is a way of expressing yourself, and showing others what you see and think.

In class, we are currently looking at Red Balloon by Paul Klee. So far, we have looked at his life and meaning of the painting, as well as how our pencil grip changes how we draw and write.

Our school have given all members of staff their own sketch book, so when the children are completing tasks, we complete them at the same time. Practicing our own art skills, as well as creating a model for the children. I have found this to be a fantastic idea, and the children love it too!

We then used these skills to learn how to hold a pencil whilst sketching, to sketch the lines used within the painting of Red balloon

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